Des Moines Trial Attorney
Professional. Experienced. Approachable.
Let's face it, no one wants to need a lawyer.
Jim Quilty at Quilty Law Firm makes it his goal to take the stress out of the process for his clients. You will find his can-do attitude, professional approach, attention to detail, and compassionate nature assuring.
He doesn't use "lawyer-speak." His clients appreciate his clear communication style and willingness to give them the time they need to get all their questions answered.
In his 25+ years as a practicing trial attorney, he has accumulated a comprehensive skill set in his tool box. Family law, civil litigation, criminal cases, business and personal issues, and racing and gaming issues ... he has extensive experience in all of this and more.
Are you in need of an attorney?
Contact us today to see if Quilty Law Firm is the right fit for you.
(515) 661-6338 (office)
(515) 778-7849 (cell)
We put your needs ahead of (h)ours.

"Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough." ~ Abraham Lincoln
"My divorce involved the valuation and separation of multiple businesses, commercial real estate, personal real estate, business trade secrets and other considerable assets. Jim worked with me to set an ideal outcome early in the case and then we implemented a budget friendly strategy, rejected numerous demands, and waited for the other side to eventually accept our terms."
"I was falsely accused of a theft and was facing several years in prison. Jim obtained video tapes from the crime scene, identified evidence significantly in conflict with the State’s case and convinced prosecutors to simply dismiss the charges with out the need for a trial or other stress on me."
Des Moines trial attorney. Divorce attorney. Criminal lawyer. Iowa attorney. Des Moines lawyer. Personal injury lawyer.

Ready to find out more?
Take the first step. Contact us by email or phone today for a free initial consultation!